Privacy Policy


App Mimoda ©
Last update July 2023

Before providing us with your personal data, it is important for you to read this information to understand why your data will be processed, your rights, and how to exercise them.

1. Purpose and legal basis for data processing

The use of the App and Service involves the processing of purely technical data (such as operating system version, browser used, device type, etc.) which can be automatically acquired by the computer systems accessed by your device when retrieving and/or sending data and information related to the use of the App and web Service.

The use of the App and Service is specifically related to the processing of purely technical data (such as operating system version, browser used, device type, etc.) which may be automatically acquired by the computer systems queried by your device when retrieving and/or sending data and information related to the use of the App and web Service.

Regarding purely technical data (1), you are informed that such data will be processed for purposes strictly related and instrumental to the operation of the App and the web site functionalities (including ensuring data confidentiality, authorizing specific processes and services) and, consequently, to the provision of the Service you requested in the context of the contractual relationship with the data controller.

Regarding purely technical data (1), you are informed that such data will be processed for purposes strictly related and instrumental to the operation of the App and the website functionalities (including ensuring data confidentiality, authorizing specific processes and services) and, consequently, to the provision of the Service you requested in the context of the contractual relationship with the data controller.

2. Data processing methods

Data will be processed electronically or automatically, according to principles of necessity and minimization, for the time strictly required to achieve the purposes pursued. The data controller adopts appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a suitable level of security.

3. Data controller

Independent data controller: Sara Capodiferro (VAT No. 11733240011), headquartered in Italy, email, for processing operations specifically carried out by the Application and the Service.

4. Data protection officer (DPO)

The MiModa DPO can be contacted via email at

5. Nature of data provision

The provision of purely technical data (a) is mandatory. Failure to provide such data will make it impossible for the user to access the App and for MiModa to provide the Service.

6. Data recipients and communication scope

Your data will be processed exclusively by the data controller, appointed processors, any additional suppliers of the controller, and their personnel specifically trained in data processing and protection to ensure the same level of security offered by the controller.

In addition to the data controller and appointed processors, access to data is possible in the following situations.

Public Authorities

To combat fraudulent conduct and illegal activities, we may provide data to public authorities in response to their legitimate requests. We may also disclose user data with their consent, to comply with the law, or to protect our property, safety, and rights, as well as those of our players or others.

Statistical Services and Advertising Partners

The Service includes features provided by our partners, using application programming interfaces (API) or software development kits (SDK). These partners may access user data and operate under their own privacy policies. It is advisable to review these privacy policies to learn more about their data processing practices. The list of these partners is as follows:

These partners may access data concerning the user's activities and device (such as IP address, mobile device identifiers, page(s) visited, location, and time). We may also combine and share data we have collected about the user with third-party advertising partners. These partners may use the data (as well as similar data collected from other websites) to show personalized ads when the user visits third-party services within their network. The partners may operate under their own privacy policies. This practice is commonly known as "interest-based advertising" or "online behavioral advertising." Users can choose not to share their personal data with third-party advertising partners by checking the privacy settings on their Android or iOS device by selecting "limit ad tracking" (Apple iOS) or "opt-out of interest-based ads" (Android).

7. Data retention period

The data processing operations carried out by the Application entail a data retention period equal to the period of use of the App and the Service itself. Log data relating to access to the Service is kept for a maximum period of 12 (twelve) months and is deleted immediately after aggregation. After the mentioned retention periods, data may be further retained only in compliance with specific legal obligations. Aggregated and anonymous data may be kept indefinitely.

8. Automated processes and profiling

The provided personal data is not subject to any fully automated decision-making process, including profiling, that could produce legal effects or significantly affect you.

9. Data subject rights

As a data subject, you have the right to exercise, in the cases expressly provided by law (Art. 15 and following, EU Regulation 2016/679), the following rights:

  • a) request from the data controller access to your personal data and/or their rectification or deletion;
  • b) request the data controller to limit the processing concerning you or to object to the processing;
  • c) request the so-called “portability” of the data (i.e., their communication in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format), also to be able to transmit your personal data to another data controller;
  • d) withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time (without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the withdrawal);
  • e) lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (the Data Protection Authority). Your requests to exercise your rights should be sent to the email address or by registered mail to Via Lesegno 33 – 10136 TORINO.

INFORMATION ON DATA PROCESSING (Art. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679)


Independent data controller: Sara Capodiferro.


Your personal data is processed by MiModa for statistical purposes to improve user experience, based on your explicit consent under Article 9, paragraph 2, letter j) of the EU Regulation 2016/679.


Your personal data will be processed by the data controller, appointed processors, and authorized employees, collaborators, auxiliaries, or professionals.


Contact the DPO at


Your personal data will not be transferred to non-EU countries.

Riferimenti normativi : Regolamento UE 2016/679; D.Lgs. del 30 giugno 2003, n. 196; D.L. 19 maggio 2010, n. 34.


Capodiferro Sara is not responsible for damages resulting from users' reckless behavior or from compliance/non-compliance with information provided by MiModa applications.

Consent for Cookies and Profiling Technologies

In line with the company policy which provides for maximum respect for the protection of privacy, MiModa only uses technical cookies necessary for operation of the application (device information such as operating system version, browser used, type of device...).

The information provided by the data owner and stored in the computer systems of Owner (also through the use of cookies) may be subject to control cross-referenced with other information obtained from the Data Controller. This is for analytical use and profiling and all information is pseudo-anonymized.

If you wish to receive or review the personal data we hold about you, or to register a complaint, send an email to